Sunday, November 5, 2017

Reflection for the week of October 30th - November 3rd

Its Halloween and the school work is in high gear. there is no more cruising it all go-Go-GO!!! However, there is always time for fun and treats. My wife and I always make treats for the class I observe so this year we made sugar cookies with orange and black sprinkles and then put a mellowcreme pumpkin in each cookie. On Wednesday I have my Instructor/Professor observed lesson plan and to say I'm a little nervous would be an understatement. I have worked on this lesson alone so that KJ could work on her lesson. I decided to have a different kind of word-work and creative element than I have had before. With this word-work I focused on hands-on and teamwork to complete the work. The guided reading was done differently this time to best fit the requirements of the class. I initially had a problem doing the guided reading the way I was told mainly because after talking with my cooperating teacher I found out that the students were not taught or introduced to the type of reading I was to be evaluated on. I went ahead and changed my guided reading and before I did my lesson I told my group what was gonna happen and told them not to worry and if they got confused just let me know. Once I started my lesson I felt more at ease but still felt as if I needed to be as clinical and rigid as possible, this is not my normal disposition mainly because I like to be more upbeat and energetic. after the lesson I had the students do a story recall to assess their comprehension of the story. I did this by having them fill out a sequence of events chart with drawings and a description of each drawing. For the most part this creative element went well, I did have a student not complete the assignment as directed which I had a feeling was going to happen. The student does not complete his regular class work. After the Lesson was complete I sent the students back to class. I sat down with Ms. Hale and we talked about the lesson and I found out that I could have made a greater tie in to other standards but that all of my lesson still was pointed at the standard I had. After everything I felt a relief but I still cant slow down because I still have one more lesson to teach and several projects to complete. the semester is not over yet.

Word-work (sequencing)
Creative Element / Assessment

Followed directions and could retell story accurately!

Mixed up sequence of events!

Did not follow directions making story recall difficult.
Mixed up sequence of events!

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