Monday, October 23, 2017

Reflection for the week of October 9th - 13th

This week was short due to Columbus Day. The students came back to school with their batteries fully charged. One of the students that I have been watching was gone all week. I asked the teacher if the parents understood that taking their child out of school for the week could be bad for him in terms of missed time and missed assignments. She told me that they wanted his work for the week and so she gave it to them. I used this week to test the students with my Piaget task kit. I had one student almost complete the kit and another student stopped when they came to the conservation questions. I had one set of questions in the kit that I think were hard for the students because they did not understand the words. The task kit took up a lot of time but was insightful into the minds that my students have. some of the answers from one student could be considered creative in nature but still based in a more concrete since of thinking. Do to the week being short I mostly focused on working with the students and making sure they were successfully doing their assignments. Since my lab time is primarily focused around reading I try to get the students to engage their reading so that they comprehend the book they are reading at the time. I do wish the students work was more creative instead of being mostly worksheet work. I think about the fact that during reading the kids have to be silent and sit at their desks so that they do not disturb the guided reading group, to me this limits and even stifles the students creativity, it is almost unfair to do that to the class but I understand that sometimes students need to be quiet so that others can learn.

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Reflection for the week of November 13th - 17th

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